Rua José Pinto de Almeida, 149  Bairro: Alto, Piracicaba/SP. Centro Empresarial JG Ometto, salas 1 e 2 

Know-how licensing for the concession of the use of PeRRfecta technology in nurseries of sugarcane seedlings. PeRRfecta provides technical assistance for the entire seedling production process, including all the management from choosing the ideal substrate, the right fertilization and irrigation options for all stages of seedling development, all the way to pest and disease control.

Research and development gallery

Contact Us

José Pinto de Almeida Street, 149, Centro Empresarial J.G. Ometto, rooms 1 and 2 - CEP 13.419-000, Bairro Alto, Piracicaba / SP.

(19) 3422-1913
(19) 98178-5098
(19) 98181-0130